"We may make many plans, but the LORD will do what he has decided." -Proverbs 19:21
God is now exposing His backup plan, The New Joshua Generation.
The ones who say, "Despite the bad reports, we can take the land."
The New Joshua Generation is springing up just like the bamboo tree. The roots of a bamboo tree stay hidden beneath the surface for several years. The ground to the natural eye looks normal, but a vast firm root proliferates beneath the surface. Today, people will notice that this once bare spot has tall grass growing above the ground. But then, the people will wonder where did it come from. Did someone plant it? The self-centered people were so busy praying for their personal needs that they did not see the New Joshua Generation's root system that has been aggressively growing for years under their noses.
As with Jesus, today, the people will be puzzled:
Where did this New Joshua Generation come from?
What seminary did they attend? Where did they study?
What church are they affiliated with? What is their denomination?
Who sent them? This New Joshua Generation is not Christian; they consort with world sinners, which is unlawful in the Christian church. They did not come to the church Pastors and sit and wait to be sent; they just went.
This New Joshua Generation doesn't talk like us, act like us, or pray like us. We say pray; They say Go! We say let God do it; They say we can do it.
We say sow seeds; They say reap the harvest. What is this new teaching?
Joshua Generation Christians, before you cast doubt on The New Joshua Generation,
Before you call The New Joshua Generation blasphemers,
Before you call The New Joshua Generation false prophets,
Before you ATTEMPT to throw The New Joshua Generation off a cliff,
Before you ATTEMPT to crucify The New Joshua Generation,
Remember SEVEN things:
1) If you reject Jesus (Why do you keep saying I am your Lord when you refuse to do what I say?), you reject God.
2) The New Joshua Generation is here to fulfill what you, the Joshua Generation, were chosen and appointed to do.
3) The New Joshua Generation is here to fulfill what you, the Joshua Generation, refuse to do.
4) The New Joshua Generation's audience is NOT you, the Joshua Generation sinners.
5) The New Joshua Generation's audience is the world's sinners.
6) God always has a backup plan; God will fulfill His purpose with or without you,
Matthew 17:1-2, "Jesus took Peter, James, and John, LED them up on a HIGH MOUNTAIN by themselves, and He was TRANSFIGURED before them."
God's Next Level does NOT require the masses. Instead, God's Next Level requires GO, NO FEAR, CHANGE, and POWER!
NOTICE: God's Next Level does NOT require Christians (followers). God's Next Level requires Believers, those who will walk with Jesus.
7) God's Next Level does NOT require Joshua Generation Christians; God's Next Level requires GO, NO FEAR, CHANGE, and POWER.
God is now exposing His backup plan, The New Joshua Generation.
The ones who say, "Despite the bad reports, we can take the land."
The New Joshua Generation is springing up just like the bamboo tree. The roots of a bamboo tree stay hidden beneath the surface for several years. The ground to the natural eye looks normal, but a vast firm root proliferates beneath the surface. Today, people will notice that this once bare spot has tall grass growing above the ground. But then, the people will wonder where did it come from. Did someone plant it? The self-centered people were so busy praying for their personal needs that they did not see the New Joshua Generation's root system that has been aggressively growing for years under their noses.
As with Jesus, today, the people will be puzzled:
Where did this New Joshua Generation come from?
What seminary did they attend? Where did they study?
What church are they affiliated with? What is their denomination?
Who sent them? This New Joshua Generation is not Christian; they consort with world sinners, which is unlawful in the Christian church. They did not come to the church Pastors and sit and wait to be sent; they just went.
This New Joshua Generation doesn't talk like us, act like us, or pray like us. We say pray; They say Go! We say let God do it; They say we can do it.
We say sow seeds; They say reap the harvest. What is this new teaching?
Joshua Generation Christians, before you cast doubt on The New Joshua Generation,
Before you call The New Joshua Generation blasphemers,
Before you call The New Joshua Generation false prophets,
Before you ATTEMPT to throw The New Joshua Generation off a cliff,
Before you ATTEMPT to crucify The New Joshua Generation,
Remember SEVEN things:
1) If you reject Jesus (Why do you keep saying I am your Lord when you refuse to do what I say?), you reject God.
2) The New Joshua Generation is here to fulfill what you, the Joshua Generation, were chosen and appointed to do.
3) The New Joshua Generation is here to fulfill what you, the Joshua Generation, refuse to do.
4) The New Joshua Generation's audience is NOT you, the Joshua Generation sinners.
5) The New Joshua Generation's audience is the world's sinners.
6) God always has a backup plan; God will fulfill His purpose with or without you,
Matthew 17:1-2, "Jesus took Peter, James, and John, LED them up on a HIGH MOUNTAIN by themselves, and He was TRANSFIGURED before them."
God's Next Level does NOT require the masses. Instead, God's Next Level requires GO, NO FEAR, CHANGE, and POWER!
NOTICE: God's Next Level does NOT require Christians (followers). God's Next Level requires Believers, those who will walk with Jesus.
7) God's Next Level does NOT require Joshua Generation Christians; God's Next Level requires GO, NO FEAR, CHANGE, and POWER.